utorak, 25. prosinca 2018.

Roditelji i liječnici na porodiljnom odjelu u Nampi u Idahu ostali su iznenađeni kad su vidjeli ultrazvuk bebe koja je još u maminom trbuhu imala neobično puno kose, a danas, pet mjeseci kasnije, kosa i dalje uporno raste, došla je do 12 centimetara i nekontrolirano strši.
Oliver Dunn postao je senzacija i prije nego što se rodio kad su liječnici na ultrazvuku primijetili da ima neobično puno kose, a danas je senzacija i na internetu. Rodio se s dugom kosom i za razliku od drugih beba, koje kosu izgube nakon rođenja, njegova i dalje buja.
Roditelji Angie (33) i Brian (32) Dunn kažu da ljude oduševljava Oliverova kosa te da je svi žele dotaknuti. Čak i kad mu smoče kosu, ne mogu je ukrotiti, ona se uvijek vrati u isti položaj – strši tako da izgleda kao da je ‘konstantno pod utjecajem elektro šokova’.
NEWS ** - here is the ultrasound scan when little baby Olivers hair can be spotted, doctors say they could see his long tufts at the back and was shocked) - Meet the adorable baby with a massive five-inch quiff with such long locks that doctors could see it in his ultrasound scan. Little Oliver Dunn, from Nampa in Idaho, USA, shocked medical staff not only in the womb but also after his birth when he came out with a full head of hair. Ever since, its continued to grow an inch a month and now at five-months old it stands at an impressive five inches tall. Amused parents Angie and Brian Dunn, 33 and 32, say people are besotted with his do and constantly try to touch his tufts. Despite combing and wetting his head, his parents say nothing will stop the rebellious quiff from sticking up and say it makes him look like hes been permanently electrocuted. -, Image: 323188774, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ANGIE CASH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
NEWS ** - here is adorable oliver shortly after he was born, as you can see he was born with masses of hair from a young age, now at five months old he has a five inch quiff that refuses to go down and makes him look like hes been electrocuted 24/7) - Meet the adorable baby with a massive five-inch quiff with such long locks that doctors could see it in his ultrasound scan. Little Oliver Dunn, from Nampa in Idaho, USA, shocked medical staff not only in the womb but also after his birth when he came out with a full head of hair. Ever since, its continued to grow an inch a month and now at five-months old it stands at an impressive five inches tall. Amused parents Angie and Brian Dunn, 33 and 32, say people are besotted with his do and constantly try to touch his tufts. Despite combing and wetting his head, his parents say nothing will stop the rebellious quiff from sticking up and say it makes him look like hes been permanently electrocuted. -, Image: 323188361, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ANGIE CASH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Angie je za britanske medije rekla: ‘Oliver se rodio s posve izraslom kosom i odonda mu samo raste, postala je duža i gušća. Toliko je naelektrizirana da što god napravimo, ne spušta se. Kao i sve mame, čak sam pokušala polizati prste i zalijepiti je, ali ne ide. Neki kažu da izgleda poput Kevina Bacona u filmu ‘Footloose’, to mi je smiješno. Kad god smo u javnosti, ljudi uvijek prvo primjećuju njegovu kosu, nitko ne može vjerovati kolika je za tako malu bebu. Zato često misle da je stariji od pet mjeseci.’
NEWS ** - his parents say that Olivers hair has gone an inch every month and is now over five inches in length,the massive quiff refuses to go down despite his mums efforts with water and says he looks permanently electrocuted) - Meet the adorable baby with a massive five-inch quiff with such long locks that doctors could see it in his ultrasound scan. Little Oliver Dunn, from Nampa in Idaho, USA, shocked medical staff not only in the womb but also after his birth when he came out with a full head of hair. Ever since, its continued to grow an inch a month and now at five-months old it stands at an impressive five inches tall. Amused parents Angie and Brian Dunn, 33 and 32, say people are besotted with his do and constantly try to touch his tufts. Despite combing and wetting his head, his parents say nothing will stop the rebellious quiff from sticking up and say it makes him look like hes been permanently electrocuted. -, Image: 323188374, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ANGIE CASH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
NEWS ** - his parents say that Olivers hair has gone an inch every month and is now over five inches in length,the massive quiff refuses to go down despite his mums efforts with water and says he looks permanently electrocuted) - Meet the adorable baby with a massive five-inch quiff with such long locks that doctors could see it in his ultrasound scan. Little Oliver Dunn, from Nampa in Idaho, USA, shocked medical staff not only in the womb but also after his birth when he came out with a full head of hair. Ever since, its continued to grow an inch a month and now at five-months old it stands at an impressive five inches tall. Amused parents Angie and Brian Dunn, 33 and 32, say people are besotted with his do and constantly try to touch his tufts. Despite combing and wetting his head, his parents say nothing will stop the rebellious quiff from sticking up and say it makes him look like hes been permanently electrocuted. -, Image: 323188379, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ANGIE CASH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Mama priča da su se doktori iznenadili koliko kose ima još na ultrazvuku, a nakon što se rodio dolazili su liječnici i sestre s drugih odjela da ga vide. Osim šampona za djecu ne koristi ništa specijalno za njegu: ‘Nakon što ga okupam, začešljam mu kosu, ali uvijek se vrati i počne stršati nakon što se osuši. Ne mogu učiniti ništa da se kosa spusti.’
NEWS ** - Here are parents Angie and Brian with their adorable son Oliver who was born with a massive five inch quiff that refuses to flatten) - Meet the adorable baby with a massive five-inch quiff with such long locks that doctors could see it in his ultrasound scan. Little Oliver Dunn, from Nampa in Idaho, USA, shocked medical staff not only in the womb but also after his birth when he came out with a full head of hair. Ever since, its continued to grow an inch a month and now at five-months old it stands at an impressive five inches tall. Amused parents Angie and Brian Dunn, 33 and 32, say people are besotted with his do and constantly try to touch his tufts. Despite combing and wetting his head, his parents say nothing will stop the rebellious quiff from sticking up and say it makes him look like hes been permanently electrocuted. -, Image: 323188387, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ANGIE CASH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
NEWS ** - his parents say that Olivers hair has gone an inch every month and is now over five inches in length,the massive quiff refuses to go down despite his mums efforts with water and says he looks permanently electrocuted) - Meet the adorable baby with a massive five-inch quiff with such long locks that doctors could see it in his ultrasound scan. Little Oliver Dunn, from Nampa in Idaho, USA, shocked medical staff not only in the womb but also after his birth when he came out with a full head of hair. Ever since, its continued to grow an inch a month and now at five-months old it stands at an impressive five inches tall. Amused parents Angie and Brian Dunn, 33 and 32, say people are besotted with his do and constantly try to touch his tufts. Despite combing and wetting his head, his parents say nothing will stop the rebellious quiff from sticking up and say it makes him look like hes been permanently electrocuted. -, Image: 323188405, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ANGIE CASH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Čini se da će mali Oliver na svoje prvo šišanje već sa šest mjeseci dok se druge bebe uglavnom šišaju prvi put oko godine dana starosti.
izvor : novi.ba

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